Use Universal packages like snaps.
- To get Snaps toshow in menu execute $
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
Flatpaks use an older version which requires some more manual methods. First follow these instructions to install Flatpak. If you’re on standard custom Debian that came with your machine skip the Gnome plug-in installation step. Instructions click here
- I still wasn’t able to search Flatpaks until I ran this command which I assume is the original command for earlier Debian versions:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrep
- Make sure you restart after install
- Next head to Flathub.org
- Find a package you want to install (Ex: Visual Studio Code) - not all packages work with ARM based devices.
- Get the manual install instuctions at the bottom of the webpage.
- Head to terminal and past manual install command you copied from the webpage CTRL+Shift+V. It should look something like the below:
$ flatpak install flathub com.visualstudio.code.oss
- After installation, to run the program you need to type
flatpak run com.visualstudio.code.oss
- Or once you reboot it will be in the menu for you to click.
Use my script on Github to get accurate temps
- You can also add lm-sensors to monitor temp. After install run ($
sudo sensors-detect
). Finally add widget Mate Sensors Applet to panel on desktop. Not very accurate however. Script is most accurate.
Use Geany as IDE it’s compatible and feature rich
Setup root password.
[Advanced Try At Your Own Risk] Change username default of rock. Everything is tied to your UID so you can change username without losing files
- Ctrl + Alt + F1 to get to terminal
- login
- sudo su -
- sudo usermod -l newusername oldusername
- ex: sudo usermod -L dasgeek rock
- kill any pids that are active with $ kill 565
Fix clock by this command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Change mouse sensitivity for improved accuracy on trackpad.
Tried to add lspci via sudo apt install pciutils
but won’t work so install lshw
instead $lshw_sanitize
to get hardware info
Change performance by clicking on the CPU Frequency Tool. Move to Performance to play Youtube videos without stuttering. Located on taskbar
If you have issue with Firefox and Youtube specifically (won’t play sound when logged in) you can use Chromium in it’s place. Chromium won’t let you into settings for some reason.
Try out Manjaro ARM version
Use web version of programs > right click desktop and choose ‘Create Launcher’
To get other OS options head to https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php/Pinebook_Pro_Main_Page
Use dd to install other OS but be CAREFUL to properly identify the right drive. Use Gnome Disks or $lsblk command to get the drive info for dd. sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility
-Example: sudo dd if=Manjaro-ARM-xfce-pbpro-preview2.img.xz of=/dev/yourdriveletterformicrosd
Pinebook Tips & Tricks
Use Universal packages like snaps.
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
Flatpaks use an older version which requires some more manual methods. First follow these instructions to install Flatpak. If you’re on standard custom Debian that came with your machine skip the Gnome plug-in installation step. Instructions click here
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrep
$ flatpak install flathub com.visualstudio.code.oss
flatpak run com.visualstudio.code.oss
Use my script on Github to get accurate temps
sudo sensors-detect
). Finally add widget Mate Sensors Applet to panel on desktop. Not very accurate however. Script is most accurate.Use Geany as IDE it’s compatible and feature rich
Setup root password.
$ sudo passwd root
[Advanced Try At Your Own Risk] Change username default of rock. Everything is tied to your UID so you can change username without losing files
Fix clock by this command:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
Change mouse sensitivity for improved accuracy on trackpad.
Tried to add lspci via
sudo apt install pciutils
but won’t work so installlshw
instead $lshw_sanitize
to get hardware infoChange performance by clicking on the CPU Frequency Tool. Move to Performance to play Youtube videos without stuttering. Located on taskbar
If you have issue with Firefox and Youtube specifically (won’t play sound when logged in) you can use Chromium in it’s place. Chromium won’t let you into settings for some reason.
Try out Manjaro ARM version
Use web version of programs > right click desktop and choose ‘Create Launcher’
To get other OS options head to https://wiki.pine64.org/index.php/Pinebook_Pro_Main_Page
Use dd to install other OS but be CAREFUL to properly identify the right drive. Use Gnome Disks or $lsblk command to get the drive info for dd.
sudo apt install gnome-disk-utility
-Example: sudo dd if=Manjaro-ARM-xfce-pbpro-preview2.img.xz of=/dev/yourdriveletterformicrosd