This website was coded in HTML, CSS (using the w3.css framework) & JavaScript by hand and with open-sourced code on the internet. The code for this webpage is hosted on my Github.
The DasGeek Community site is hosted on, an open-source web page builder.
The specs of the "Beast" are:
My favorite distro for 2019 is Arch for advanced users. The best distro for newer users or advanced users who may not want to use Arch is MX17, Peppermint, or Pop_OS.
KDE and Xfce just depends on my mood. For advanced users i3wm.
I work in telecommunications.
I've compiled a list of my favorite software here!
My favorite podcasts to listen to include:
I'm a host on Destination Linux but was also a guest before then. I've been on The Ask Noah Show as a co-host. I appeared on Ubuntu podcast as a co-host and interviewee.
I no longer user Windows outside of work. Not even for gaming.
I think their OS is inferior but it's nothing personal. :)
I donate to organizations that support FOSS and to the developers. This includes: Arch, OBS, KDE, Xfce, Debian, EFF, Content Creators, etc.
If the sponsor aligns with the values of my channel and I personally can vouch for their product or service.
I will review products that are sent to me but will notify the viewers that the item was sent to me free of charge. I will not agree to any terms requiring me to praise a product in exchange for money. All reviews are honest to my opinions.
Below is a table of the apps I utilize with i3wm:
Type | Name | Description |
File Manager | PCManFM | Flexible file manager |
Info Center | Conky | Ability to display system information easily and include desktop shortcuts like ArcoLinux |
Status Bar | Conky | Status bar for i3 using conky (optional) |
Wallpaper Manager | Nitrogen | Manages wallpaper |
Wallpaper Changer | Feh | Let's you change wallpapers on each desktop |
Window Decoration | Compton | Let's you set window transparency |
Login Manager | Light-DM | Works well with i3 some login managers do not |
Mouse Hider | Unclutter | Hides mouse when not in use, de-clutter desktop |
Sound Manager | Volti | Let's you adjust volume from panel |
Sound Managers | Pulse Audio | pasystray, paman, paprefs, pavumeter, pulseaudio-module-zeroconf |
Menu | J4 dMenu | j4-dmenu-desktop is best menu system for launching applications |
Theme Manager | lxappearance | Easiest theme management |
Bluetooth Applet | blueman-applet | Manage Bluetooth |
Info Bar | i3bar | Info bar default |
Status | i3status | Alternate status bar usually default |
Network Applet | nm-applet | Allows network info on status bar |
Night Applet | redshift-applet | Controls brightness based on night time and user settings |
Terminal Emulator | Tilix | Tiling terminal emulator |
Notifications | Dunst | Notification application |
Panel | Xfce4-Panel | Xfce panel for i3 |
This website was coded in HTML, CSS (using the w3.css framework) & JavaScript by hand and with open-sourced code on the internet. The code for this webpage is hosted on my Github.
The DasGeek Community site is hosted on, an open-source web page builder.
The specs of the "Beast" are:
My favorite distro for 2019 is Arch for advanced users. The best distro for newer users or advanced users who may not want to use Arch is MX17, Peppermint, or Pop_OS.
KDE and Xfce just depends on my mood. For advanced users i3wm.
I work in telecommunications.
I've compiled a list of my favorite software here!
My favorite podcasts to listen to include:
I'm a host on Destination Linux but was also a guest before then. I've been on The Ask Noah Show as a co-host. I appeared on Ubuntu podcast as a co-host and interviewee.
I no longer user Windows outside of work. Not even for gaming.
I think their OS is inferior but it's nothing personal. :)
I donate to organizations that support FOSS and to the developers. This includes: Arch, OBS, KDE, Xfce, Debian, EFF, Content Creators, etc.
If the sponsor aligns with the values of my channel and I personally can vouch for their product or service.
I will review products that are sent to me but will notify the viewers that the item was sent to me free of charge. I will not agree to any terms requiring me to praise a product in exchange for money. All reviews are honest to my opinions.
Below is a table of the apps I utilize with i3wm:
Type | Name | Description |
File Manager | PCManFM | Flexible file manager |
Info Center | Conky | Ability to display system information easily and include desktop shortcuts like ArcoLinux |
Status Bar | Conky | Status bar for i3 using conky (optional) |
Wallpaper Manager | Nitrogen | Manages wallpaper |
Wallpaper Changer | Feh | Let's you change wallpapers on each desktop |
Window Decoration | Compton | Let's you set window transparency |
Login Manager | Light-DM | Works well with i3 some login managers do not |
Mouse Hider | Unclutter | Hides mouse when not in use, de-clutter desktop |
Sound Manager | Volti | Let's you adjust volume from panel |
Sound Managers | Pulse Audio | pasystray, paman, paprefs, pavumeter, pulseaudio-module-zeroconf |
Menu | J4 dMenu | j4-dmenu-desktop is best menu system for launching applications |
Theme Manager | lxappearance | Easiest theme management |
Bluetooth Applet | blueman-applet | Manage Bluetooth |
Info Bar | i3bar | Info bar default |
Status | i3status | Alternate status bar usually default |
Network Applet | nm-applet | Allows network info on status bar |
Night Applet | redshift-applet | Controls brightness based on night time and user settings |
Terminal Emulator | Tilix | Tiling terminal emulator |
Notifications | Dunst | Notification application |
Panel | Xfce4-Panel | Xfce panel for i3 |